The Unvaluable Gift

       My father was bewildered over our new riches, almost to the point where he could lose it all with the turn of a corner. He would give anything away to thank this man that came from the Heavens, even if it was worse than death. Here is how my father truly lost my trust. He had convinced the king to stay longer than planned, he was in our home for three nights. This my father did in a means to thank him for his generosity, but in the soon he did not feel like this was enough. So on the second night he of the kings stay,offered him something that should have been more valuable to him then anything else in the world, but it did not end up being that important to him. This thing had always been there for him, when it was mad at him it still went to his side and took care of him. This one thing that was much less than it should have been, was none other than me... his one and only daughter.

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