The Unhappy King

       My father had decided to offer me, his only daughter, to this king hours before nightfall. During the night feast though, he took my hand and said to me, "You will not be going back to your room tonight was sweets, follow the amazing king to his corridor". I misunderstood this and couldn't comprehend what he meant, so I listened. When the feast ended, I didn't go back my normal route to my bedroom, I followed behind the King of Mali. He was delayed a few minutes though, talking to a man who was dressed oddly with long cloaks. When the king looked around the dinning room to find me alone and every one else gone, his face became unsettled and almost fear showed in his eyes. He stood up from his chair and shook the other man's hand, who left immediately. The king stared at me longingly, and then headed toward his room; I followed with my head down, confused over what I did wrong.

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