New Offers

     The king led me to him chamber but when he began to open his door he stopped. At first he didn't turn around, only held his body still and watched life move. When he turned around he said to me,"Go, leave this place and stay away from harm. You are in no good place staying here. Your father gave me you, but that man down the stairs has told me that our great religion forbids us to take the daughter of a king who has offered her. This new religion of ours is very different from our old beliefs. A king once could go through kingdoms and have whatever he pleased, give whatever he wanted. Now our times have changed and the new Allah asks that we treat each other with serenity and respect. So I will not have you tonight or ever, but I do ask you to do something. I would like you to leave this land and follow me to Makkah, a place of greatness and goodness. Would you do something as radical and leave this place behind?"
      I had no words for what had happened, I just stood there momentarily and stared into nothingness.Why has my life been so unfair, everything that I ever wanted was not there for me to have... a mother, a real father, and a home where I was free. This man was telling me to follow him to a place of freedom, maybe this was where I was to go with my life.

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