Gold and Food

        Let's start with why the amazing king, Mansa Musa, was traveling through our land with 60,000 men. He was the emperor of Mali, a great empire that was rich beyond belief. There has been no other empires that gained as much wealth as the one under the great "king of kings". He had been traveling only a few nights when he went through my kingdom, Kangaba. It was quite a small one, it had very little, and many of our people suffered from starvation. My father would often give out food to keep them at the least bit happy, but even our food was growing low and we could no longer splurge for them. Everyone was starving and we were at the verge of the end. Meanwhile, Musa was on his way with his hundreds of follower, they were headed to Makkah, the Holy Land of our great religion. It was said that, if possible we all must take a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in each of our lifetimes. When he reached our land he stopped to cherish us. He paraded us with gold and buckets of food, our kingdom was revived to its original state. We were so grateful that my father couldn't find words to tell him.

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